Los Angeles Magento Web Design and SEO Blog

To scroll or not to scroll – answer scroll

3:46 PM January 3, 2017


Image credit: Tony Haile—Chartbeat

Happy New Year and welcome to 2017, it’s going to be an interesting year for sure, well if you follow politics it will be.

A customer made a statement to me the other day that didn’t sound quite right and something I didn’t believe was true, so this post is about that statement. The customer said, and I quote here, “but people don’t scroll anymore Aaron, don’t you follow what Google says“.  (be sure to catch the funny at the end of the post).  Continue Reading…

10 years in Web Design

2:22 PM October 19, 2016


10 Years in Web Design

We have officially reached the 10-year milestone in the web design and development industry. It’s been a long road and we’ve had a blast working on some great projects over the years. We’ve built over 100+ websites and carved ourselves out a nice niche in the Magento development and maintenance arena.

The web design industry is a tough market to compete in, but our longevity, experience and stellar customer service over the years is something that interested clients look for and keep them coming back.

Our 10th year has just started and we are already growing at a record pace. We will be looking to hire more staff and will have positions opening for Certified Magento Developer, Certified Magento Solutions Specialist, Magento Project Manager, and Business Development Manager, SEO Analyst, Web Designer and more.

We have ramped up for Magento 2.1 and as of this writing have three Magento 2 sites in the works. Come experience the speed at which we design and build eCommerce websites, request a quote here or give us call and pick our brains 1.800.658.0113.


Magento Patch Update – patch 8788 information

12:42 AM October 18, 2016


Magento Patch SUPEE 8788

Magento Patch Update – Patch SUPEE 8788

Just added as of Oct 12th, 5 days as of the writing of this. This is a critical patch update that should be updated by all Magento store owners from 1.5x to 1.9x. The patch takes care of 20 issues, some of them critical. Stores can become compromised by allowing Remote Code Executions, also know as (RCE’s) and will give anyone access to the store admin. Please see the resources below;

Magento – https://magento.com/security/patches/supee-8788

Magento Stack Exchange – http://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/140550/security-patch-supee-8788-possible-problems

We will be reaching out to all of our customers to update for this release.

If you need help updating this patch, please use our Contact Us form here or call 1.800.658.0113

Social Media Branding Strategies for Business (Infographic)

9:32 AM July 30, 2015

Social media have been so widely utilized nowadays that it has reportedly surpassed Google as Americans’ “number one daily activity” which explains why more and more marketers and entrepreneurs are promoting their business through these platforms.

The potential for business growth via social media is almost endless. Whether you want to gain subscribers, promote a service, or sell a product, the use of social media helps build your social brand. In this era where digital transactions and communication has become commonplace, it is nearly impossible to see any business not to be taking advantage of the growing social media trend.

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The Value of SEO to Local Businesses (Infographic)

3:43 PM June 25, 2015


Local SEO delivers local search results and customers

Remember when you were growing up, there always was a store that you’d frequent that always had the one thing you’d never be able to get anywhere else. Sweets, toys, even your favorite type of book or pencil. You grow up, you move away and then all of a sudden, during a brief moment of reminisce, you remember a particular thing you had and nostalgia strikes you.

Reliving Nostalgia

But now, you can’t go home because you don’t know if that store is still around. You take a chance and you search the annals of google inside out to find what you are looking for. Happiness is when you find what you’re looking for. And when you find out that its that same shop that is now able to deliver what you want, direct to your home – all through the simple process of an online order, online payment and next-day-delivery; that is when you feel truly ecstatic.

What is SEO?

What drives these local stores to gain an online presence? What is it that allows small corner stores to become literal overnight-viral-sensations on the internet? It is a simple combination of a patron having a need and the store deciding to go online. The most important bit? Learning to make their product description so accurate and interesting, that Google or any other search engine manages to pull this up first in the long list of the hundreds of thousands of pages that usually come up on a search.
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Setting Expectations for Successful SEO Campaigns

1:13 PM December 23, 2014

This past Whiteboard Friday from Rand with Moz hit the nail right on the head. It discusses setting expectations with clients on their SEO campaigns and what to expect over the course of the campaign and how goals are achieved. If you haven’t seen it I’m embedding below for you to watch, it’s only 8 minutes long but it really explains what we SEO’s deal with and how it is our job to inform you (the client) with the proper information to set the expected results and expectation.


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Google Mobile Friendly Website Test

7:44 PM November 19, 2014

This is a quick blog post to highlight a new Google tool.


Pierre Far with Google just posted that Google has launched a great new tool for web developers to test websites for mobile optimization. Something interesting Pierre mentions is that Google will label websites that are mobile friendly so viewers looking in search will be able to make a choice and choose a mobile friendly site versus one that isn’t.

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SEO Update New Penguin 3.0 Rolling Out

11:42 AM October 23, 2014

It’s that time again, the little funny walking bird who doesn’t fly is back with a new update. Penguin 3.0 as it’s being called began to roll out on Friday, October 17th. As reported by Pierre Far on his Google+ page. Quote below in case you don’t want to click to the source.

The new Penguin update will be rolled out over the next few weeks and is estimated to affect about 1% of queries for the english language.

Penguin update rolling out

Penguin 3.0 update rolling out

This update comes just two weeks after the Panda 4.1 roll out. Google wants to make sure that you always have work to do on your websites’ SEO.

Penguin, for those that aren’t familiar with it, is an algorithm that Google uses to target web spam and unnatural links to a website. This update should help those who cleaned up their inbound webspam from the last Penguin update and further punish those that didn’t make any changes.

Do you think you were affected by this or a previous Penguin update? If so we can help, order a website review today and we will analyze your website. Feel free to call if you would like to discuss more in detail or need other help 1-800-658-0113.



What is a Panda SEO Diet

2:08 PM October 3, 2014

If you are like a lot of companies your Panda woes just got a little worse with Googles Panda 4.1 algorithm update. This update was focussed on thin and bad content. Thin content is defined as content that doesn’t offer anything of real value to the reader. So if your website has a lot of these pages, then most likely you were hit and you are feeling the affects of the reduced ranking.

Google is looking for high quality authoritative content that readers will enjoy and want to share.

One factor in determining if a page of content is thin is to look at your time on page in Google analytics. If your time on page measure is low, then most likely you don’t have anything significant or interesting for the visitors to read, keeping them on the page.

The best and simplest way to make a quick change is to review all your website’s pages for thin content.

You should do this in two ways:

  1. Manually look at each and every page on your website and see if it doesn’t have a lot of actual text for a reader.
  2. The next way is to look at your Google analytics and see which pages have high bounce rates and or low time on page.

How to put your website on a Panda SEO diet, 8 tips.

Here we will outline 8 steps you can take to put your website on a Panda diet in the hopes of improving your sites ranking.

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Should Your Next Website Be Responsive or Adaptive?

12:48 PM August 22, 2014


One thing that virtually every Internet marketer and web designer can agree on is that new websites need to be accessible across a wide variety of devices and platforms – that they need to display properly on everything from laptop and desktop computers to smartphone screens.

One thing some can’t agree on, though, is how to best achieve that goal.

That’s where the ongoing debate between adaptive web design and responsive web design comes into play. The two concepts are closely related. And as you might expect, there are advantages and disadvantages to each. In this article we’re going to take a look at what the differences might mean to you, both as a user and a marketer, so you can make the right call for your business going forward.

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